How to Create a Cron Job on a Server: A Step-by-Step Guide Using the Command Line and Server Explorer Avatar



create cron server

Automation is awesome. Why manually run scripts when you can make your server do it for you? Enter cron jobs—the powerful tool that allows you to schedule tasks with precision. Whether you want to automate backups, send reminders, or clean up logs, cron jobs are your go-to tool.

In this article, we’ll show you how to set up a cron job using the command line and how to do it effortlessly with Server Explorer. Let’s get started!

Part 1 : Creating a Cron Job via Command Line

First, let’s tackle the traditional method using the command line. This part is for those who prefer hands-on control by typing commands in a terminal.

Step 1 : Access Your Server

Open your terminal and SSH into your server:

ssh username@your-server-ip

(If this doesn’t work, double-check your SSH details.)

Step 2: Open the Crontab File

The crontab is where all the scheduling happens. To open it, type:

crontab -e

This command opens your crontab file, where you’ll be adding your cron jobs.

Step 3: Understand the Cron Job Syntax

Before proceeding, here’s a quick breakdown of cron job syntax. Each line in your crontab follows this structure:

* * * * * /path/to/your/
  • Minute (0-59)
  • Hour (0-23)
  • Day of the Month (1-31)
  • Month (1-12)
  • Day of the Week (0-7) (Sunday can be 0 or 7)
  • Command: The script or command you want to run.
  • Comment: you can add some comments if you want it in your cron job


30 2 * * * /path/to/

This job runs every day at 2:30 AM.

Step 4: Add Your Cron Job

Let’s say you want to run a cleanup script every Monday at 4:00 AM. You’d add this line to your crontab:

0 4 * * 1 /path/to/

Step 5: Save and Exit

After adding your cron job, save the file and exit. In most editors like nano, you can do this by pressing CTRL + X, then Y, and Enter. Yeah i know it can be a little tricky.

Buuuuut!!! if you prefer a more user-friendly approach?

Part 2: Creating a Cron Job with Server Explorer

For the elite who prefer simplicity over complexity, Server Explorer offers a straightforward solution. Let’s explore how you can effortlessly create a cron job using this powerful tool.

Step 1: Connect to Your Server via SSH

Open Server Explorer and connect to your server by entering your SSH credentials. This is straightforward—no complex commands needed.

Step 2: Open the Cron Job Manager

Once connected, search to the Tools section and select the Cron Job Manager.

Step 3: Adding an Existing Script

If you’ve already got a script ready to go:

  1. Click the + button next to the Cron Job Manager title. This opens a file selector for your server.
  2. Navigate to your script, select it, and confirm your choice. This will bring up the cron configurator.

Step 4: Configure Your Cron Job

Now, you’ll see options to set the schedule for your cron job. You can either:

  • Choose from pre-configured options like “Every day,” “Every hour,” etc — Yeah, I know, super convenient!
  • Customize your schedule using the form fields — Perfect for when you want things just the way you like them.
  • Use the built-in AI (if you’re not an expert) to schedule the job with natural language like, “Every Friday at 10 AM.” — Because who doesn’t love an easy, natural-language setup?

Step 6: Save and Exit

Once you’re happy with your setup, hit Save and close the dialog. Your cron job is now live —and just like that, you’re done! Easy, right?

Whether you prefer the control of the command line or the visual ease of Server Explorer, setting up cron jobs has never been simpler. Now that you’ve got the tools and knowledge, you’re ready to take control of your server’s tasks!

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